
Thursday, October 16, 2008

my reading plan for the day

I have lofty goals for today. Here's the articles I want to tackle:

1. The Messiah: Explorations in the Law and Writings, by Tremper Longman III (for the class I'm taking)
2. How the Bible has been Interpreted in Christian Tradition, by Justo Gonzalez (for the ACG I'm teaching)
3. Some Observations on Paul's Use of the Phrases 'in Christ' and 'with Christ', by AJM Wedderburn (for the class I'm taking)
4. The Puzzle of Pauline Hermeneutics, by Richard Hays (for the class I'm taking)
5. The Bible and the Environment, by FF Bruce (for fun)
6. Chapters 7&8 in 'How to be Evangelical without being Conservative' (for some upcoming messages on politics and faith)
7. Chapters 1-3 in 'How Would Jesus Vote?' (for those same sermons)
8. Chapter 8 in 'The Mission of God', by Christopher Wright (for the class I'm taking)

Don't think you'll care, but now my goals are on paper, kinda.

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