Calvin is certainly one of my hero's - more so now as I'm reading a biography of his life (not my first). Yet I disagree with him also on finer points of theology. One has to do with worship. Calvin expended a lot of energy reforming worship in Geneva. Here's a few of the things he did:
1. Instituted quarterly Communion services. He really wanted the Lord's Supper to be served every week but the City Council did not allow this. Prior to Calvin's reforms it was observed once a year.
2. Did away with all religious symbols inside the church including crosses.
3. Instituted congregational singing.
4. He did away with choirs and with musical instruments in worship. All congregational singing was in unison and was a cappella. He believed the New Covenant required abandoning instruments in worship. he argued that when Paul commands that we should praise God in language we understand (1 Cor. 14:13). He saw instruments as adding a 'second voice' that was not human.
Now lest we judge to harshly, remember there was a historical context. Prior to the Reformation, the common worshiper had little role in the public worship of the church. They did not participate at all except to listen and receive. Calvin's emphasis on the full participation of the body in worship certainly flows from his understanding of the priesthood of all believers.
Also, I should say I agree in substance with Calvin, but not in the application (which I'll get to shortly). Stick with me for a a minute because I think Calvin's understanding for worship is incredibly important and biblical.
Calvin also understood how important worship is to the people of God. Worship, in Calvin's view (and mine) was the 'key meeting place of God and his people'. Worship wasn't something that served another end (wasn't a tool for evangelism or even teaching - though it often has evangelistic and didactic results). Instead, worship is and end in and of itself.
In addition, Calvin had a firm grasp on what sin has done to man and how it has effected his worship. Godfrey summarizes, "[he believed] that Christians too often want to please themselves in worship rather than pleasing God". Ouch.
Calvin believed worship should be based in the Word, simple, and reverent. Internally, it should flow from the heart and externally it should conform to the Biblical patterns of worship. On this I totally agree with Calvin. Again, it comes down to application.
Centuries later the Puritans picked up on Calvin's theology of worship and articulated it in the Regulative Principle: in corporate worship we should do only those things which Scripture specifically tells us to do. This is in contrast with the Hooker principle which states that the church should feel free to adopt a practice in worship unless it is specifically forbidden in worship.
These distinctions, I think, are helpful - and it's why I end up disagreeing with Calvin. He seems to have considered instrumentation an 'element' (though the category doesnt' show up in the same way as it does in later Puritan writings). I wouldn't put it in that category - instead I see instruments as aiding in the singing of praises. I would consider it a form, not an element.
Having said all of this, and probably bored you to death, let me affirm Calvin's desire to reform worship. I think he was dead on in his evaluation of the importance of worship and in the human proclivity to twist it. I agree with what he wrote to Sadoleto (a Roman Catholic opponent), "there is nothing more perilous to our salvation that a preposterous and perverse worship of God."
What do you think of Calvin's understanding? Of worship in the 21st century church (politeness please)?
Forms, elements, circumstances. Almost feels like we could write an XML schema for proper worship! (Sorry, had to throw in a bit of technology talk since this is clearly a technical discussion.)
Actually, this is something I've been thinking quite a bit about since Bob brought up his confessional vs. polity issues in a recent BOE discussion. I need to talk to him about that distinction, because it seems to me there may be a third category. But I digress.
I think 30 years ago I was strongly of the regulative persuasion but now I've moved closer to Hooker. But not fully. The problem with being regulative is that no two regulative people ever agree and it inevitably leads to schisms and phariseeism. And it betrays a certain lack of faith in the Spirit of God and a certain overconfidence in human analytical ability to sort everything out properly. I think Roland Allen captures it well in his concept, "fear for the doctrine" in his book, The Spontaneous Expansion of the Church. We get so afraid of error that we end up quenching the Spirit and spawning a whole new bunch of errors.
Well, it's too late at night for me to write more coherently about this. I will only add that I LOVE Calvin's desire for a weekly Communion. Oddly, Luther wanted the same thing, but he didn't get it either. That's one of the things I miss from the Plymouth Brethren.
I see the same danger of schism you do and I don't like it either. Instruments, a cappella, pitch pipes, hymns only, exclusive psalmody, blah blah blah.
On the other hand, I see the dangers in drifting too close to the Hooker principle also. I remember reading about a pastor right here in Indiana who had to be rushed to the hospital after a motorcycle accident in the church during the service. Even Hooker is rolling over in his grave!
Roland Allen's point is well taken though. Isn't there a way to be firm and convicted without being insensitive to the Spirit?
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