2. What Is Narrative Criticism? (Guides to Biblical Scholarship New Testament Series)
3. God, Language and Scripture
4. Art of Biblical History, The
5. Models for Interpretation of Scripture
6. Is There a Meaning in This Text?: The Bible, the Reader, and the Morality of Literary Knowledge (Landmarks in Christian Scholarship)
7. Getting the Message: A Plan for Interpreting and Applying the Bible
On Evangelicalism:
2. The Expansion of Evangelicalism: The Age of Wilberforce, More, Chalmers and Finney (History of Evangelicalism)
3. The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon And Moody (History of Evangelicalism)
4. Evangelicalism Divided: A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950 to 2000
5. Old Evangelicalism
6. Deconstructing Evangelicalism: Conservative Protestantism in the Age of Billy Graham
7. The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards: American Religion and the Evangelical Tradition
On/By John Williamson Nevin:
2. John Williamson Nevin: American Theologian (Religion in America)
3. Catholic and Reformed: Selected Writing of John Williamson Nevin (Pittsburgh Original Texts & Translations Series ; 3)
4. The Anxious Bench, Antichrist & the Sermon Catholic Unity
5. The Mystical Presence: A Vindication Of The Reformed Or Calvinistic Doctrine Of The Holy Eucharist (1867)
6. History and genius of the Heidelberg catechism
For Edification:
2. Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places: A Conversation in Spiritual Theology
For Fun:
1. Scarlet (The King Raven, Book 2)
2. Tuck (The King Raven Trilogy, Book 3)
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